Like many other Asian countries, Singapore upholds the value of harmony higher than that of individual expression and desire. Just look at our local TV Channel 8 shows which are predominantly based on family ties versus the soul-searching individual journeys of American protagonists. The Asian way Singapore millennials are brought up in a society that…
Author: jules
10 Jobs We Had While Studying
Have you ever reminisced about the jobs you did when you were young, poor and desperate for money? These are some student jobs my friends and I did while studying at the same time, any way to earn money was better than none. 1. Spiderman mask stapler Source I remember spending one night stapling hundreds…
Singaporeans Are Like Androids
Singaporeans are like androids – part human, part functioning machines. We have this mask we put on when we go to school and work, meet our relatives and friends, and some even don their façades 24 hours to themselves and their gods. Working in Singapore is a test of how unemotional and efficient you can…
If You Don’t Do This, You Won’t Be Happy
Singaporeans are unhappy because they are lying to themselves. So much for “Cash is king” and Singapore is the top X for whatever. Singaporeans are not happy. Sometimes maybe, when they strike 4D, win lucky draw or get their first kiss. But there is an undercurrent of apprehensiveness, a resentment that the happy feeling won’t…
Why are Singaporeans scared of dying?
Singaporeans have a voyeuristic streak to find out what we can about people who recently died. From 4D numbers to age to who is going to take care of the children/run the business, Singaporeans will actively share what they have learnt about the deceased and collectively grieve for those whose stories they’ve read. Things changed…
Why do you feel bad about success?
We are taught in schools that “you reap what you sow” and “success is 90% perseverance and 10% luck”, so why do many smart people undergo confidence crises? You may be a go-getter who accomplished much, but yet feel you are undeserving of your achievements. You wonder if luck or a higher blessing played a…
Don’t have a true calling? You may be a multipotentialite
For a long time I wondered why all my jobs were different in the core nature of it, and none was exactly what I studied. There is a stigma in being a Jack of all trades but master of none. We are taught by Jack Welch that it’s important to be either No. 1 or…
What it feels like being an extroverted introvert
Is there such a thing? An extroverted introvert? This question came to me one day as I was pondering why I know quite a few people, but are only truly close to a handful. Perhaps let me put things in context. According to the MBTI profiling I took, I’m an ENTJ. This means I’m extroverted…
Discrimination in Japan against Mothers
This is an Abe-omination. Japanese bosses urging pregnant women to have abortions. I just read this article from The Economist, 5-11 September 2015 issue. One of the most developed Asian countries still has a third world mindset towards women (South Korea being another majorly backward country in terms of female empowerment). This is not a…
Singapore is sexist
Since young, females are subject to different standards than men, some which work in our favour (less stringent physical test criteria) and many others which don’t (why can’t you hold a full time job and bring up 2 kids like your male colleagues?) Some instances of sexism which we take for granted as ‘normal’: –…