Unlocking Childhood Trauma

As part of my recent journey into meditation and mindfulness, I’ve started reading books written by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, such as Work, How To Eat, and How To Sit. Today, as I was trying out a new sitting meditation, I literally entered an experience where I think I unlocked one of…

Entering Vegetarianism

People who know me also know I consume a lot of meat products, and less carbs, to balance my protein needs and reduce refined sugar intake. However, many don’t know that at certain points of my life, I regularly ate vegetarian food. Such as in my first job, vegetarian food for lunch was more often…

Mindfulness in a crazy busy world

There is way too much adrenaline in Singapore. Have you ever enjoyed a beautiful vacation overseas, only to have your carefully crafted bubble of peace burst once you leave Changi Airport? The feeling of kancheongness seeps into your life and you start thinking of the 101 things to do once you reach home, do the…