What Mothers Will Learn From Dominique Sarron Lee’s Death

SAF may have won the legal battle, but will it lose the hearts of Singaporean mothers? Private Dominique Sarron Lee died at the age of 21 after having an allergic attack to the zinc chloride fumes emitted by six smoke grenades that were thrown by a platoon commander, although regulations specified that no more than…

People Are Forgetting Something Important About Suicides

In the blame game, we fail to discuss this important subject. After a person commits suicide, the people in his lives descend into a vicious circle of blame, without being able to understand why he or she chose to die. For example, in a recent case in Singapore, there was much discussion on whether the…

Why do you feel bad about success?

We are taught in schools that “you reap what you sow” and “success is 90% perseverance and 10% luck”, so why do many smart people undergo confidence crises? You may be a go-getter who accomplished much, but yet feel you are undeserving of your achievements. You wonder if luck or a higher blessing played a…

What it feels like being an extroverted introvert

Is there such a thing? An extroverted introvert? This question came to me one day as I was pondering why I know quite a few people, but are only truly close to a handful. Perhaps let me put things in context. According to the MBTI profiling I took, I’m an ENTJ. This means I’m extroverted…