The Demon All Singaporeans Fear

Most of us may not know we are hiding this demon in our closet. It is a Singaporean culture to compare incessantly with everyone and anyone. We have an obsession with the best, the highest, the biggest, the greatest and the first to succeed. Source There is one demon we like to point out in…

Budget 2016: What Did The Sandwich Class Get?

Everyone must have gotten something right? I sat through more than 90 minutes of almost nap-inducing Budget announcements, because the first hour was all about money, money and money thrown at companies to be more productive, innovate, automate or upskill. To cut the chase, everyone gets more, even part of the sandwiched class, in the…

Postnatal Depression – The Silent, Painful and Lonely Way Mothers Die

A calm sea surface often hides violent currents underneath. The same can be said of people who suffer from emotional turmoil, such as suicidal thoughts and postnatal depression. Our nation is envied by others for the quality of our healthcare, education and marriage and parenthood financial perks. Why do mothers in Singapore still suffer from…

10 Anti-Productivity Crimes You Are Unconsciously Committing

Save precious time for the better things in life. You only have 24 hours every day. After deducting time to work, eat, travel and bathe, you still don’t have time for yourself! Why??? You may just be committing these nasty anti-productivity crimes that sap off precious minutes of your life every single day, the way…

15 Tips To Reduce Your Wedding Costs

And save that cash for your dream honeymoon. 1. Do lunch, not dinner Sit-down lunches can be 30%-40% cheaper than a dinner-equivalent, and you’ll have ample time for a good nap in the afternoon before your honeymoon the next day. 2. Book a restaurant, not a hotel ballroom Restaurants may serve better food than hotel…

What Mothers Will Learn From Dominique Sarron Lee’s Death

SAF may have won the legal battle, but will it lose the hearts of Singaporean mothers? Private Dominique Sarron Lee died at the age of 21 after having an allergic attack to the zinc chloride fumes emitted by six smoke grenades that were thrown by a platoon commander, although regulations specified that no more than…

People Are Forgetting Something Important About Suicides

In the blame game, we fail to discuss this important subject. After a person commits suicide, the people in his lives descend into a vicious circle of blame, without being able to understand why he or she chose to die. For example, in a recent case in Singapore, there was much discussion on whether the…